



The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords eligible students certain rights with respect to their education records. (An "eligible student" under FERPA is a student who is 18 years of age or older or 在高等教育机构就读的任何年龄的学生.)这些权利包括:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days after the day LMU receives a request for access. A student should submit to the 注册商 a Request to Inspect and Review Education Records that identifies the record(s) the student wishes to inspect. The 注册商 will make arrangements for access and notify the student via LMU email of time and place where the records may be inspected. 如果登记官没有保存记录, the student will be advised of the official to whom the request has been directed.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student's education records which the student believes is inaccurate, 误导, 或以其他方式侵犯学生在FERPA下的隐私权.

    A student who wishes to ask LMU to amend a record should submit to the 注册商 a Request to Amend Education Records. This request should clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, 并说明为什么要更改它.

    如果LMU决定不按要求修改记录, LMU将以书面形式通知学生该决定, the student's right to appeal the decision denying the request for amendment, 以及有关上诉程序的信息. A student seeking to appeal the decision must submit a Request for FERPA Hearing to the 注册商.
  3. The right to provide written consent before LMU discloses personally identifiable information (PII) from the student's education records, 除非FERPA在未经同意的情况下授权披露.
  4. 向美国政府提出申诉的权利.S. 教育部 concerning alleged failures by LMU to comply with the requirements of FERPA. 管理FERPA的办公室的名称和地址是:

U.S. 教育部



LMU designates the following information contained in students' education records as "directory information." 目录 information may be disclosed by the university without the student's prior consent pursuant to the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). However, 大学不需要披露目录信息和, 因此, 仔细评估信息请求. At LMU, 目录信息包括学生的姓名, address, 电话号码, 电子邮件地址, 出生日期和地点, 照片, 主修和副修专业, 出席日期, 类(新生, 二年级学生, etc.), enrollment status (undergraduate or graduate; full or part-time), 参加官方认可的活动或澳门威尼斯人赌城, 学生运动员身高和体重, degrees, 获得的荣誉(包括院长名单)和奖项, 以及最近就读的教育机构或机构.

Currently enrolled students may withhold disclosure of directory information under FERPA. 隐瞒信息, students must submit a Request to Restrict Release of 目录 信息 to the 注册商. Former students may not submit a request to restrict disclosure of directory information on their education records, 但他们可能会要求取消之前的保密要求.


Below is a list of disclosures that LMU may make without student consent, in accordance with FERPA:

FERPA允许从学生的教育记录中披露个人信息, 未经学生同意, 如果披露符合某些条件. A postsecondary institution may disclose PII from the education records without obtaining prior written consent of the student -

  1. 致其他大学官员, 包括教授, within LMU whom the university has determined to have legitimate educational interests. 这包括承包商, 咨询顾问, 志愿者, or other parties to whom the university has outsourced institutional services or functions.
  2. To officials of another school where the student seeks or intends to enroll, or where the student is already enrolled if the disclosure is for purposes related to the student's enrollment or transfer
  3. 给美国的授权代表. S. 美国总审计长.S. 司法部长,美国.S. 教育部长, 或州和地方教育当局, such as a State postsecondary authority that is responsible for supervising the university's State-supported education programs. Disclosures under this provision may be made in connection with an audit or 评价 of Federal- or State-supported education programs, or for the enforcement of or compliance with Federal legal requirements that relate to those programs. These entities may make further disclosures of PII to outside entities that are designated by them as their authorized representatives to conduct any audit, 评价, 或代表他们执行或遵守活动.
  4. In connection with financial aid for which the student has applied or which the student has received, 如果这些信息是决定是否有资格获得援助所必需的, 确定援助的数额, 确定援助的条件, 或者执行援助的条款和条件.
  5. 组织进行研究, 或代表, 这所学校, 为了:(a)发展, validate, or administer predictive tests; (b) administer student aid programs; or (c) improve instruction.
  6. 授权认可机构履行其认可职能.
  7. To parents of an eligible student if the student is a dependent for IRS tax purposes.
  8. 遵从司法命令或合法发出的传票.
  9. To appropriate officials in connection with a health or safety emergency
  10. 学校指定为“目录信息”的信息
  11. To a victim of an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense. The disclosure may only include the final results of the disciplinary proceeding with respect to that alleged crime or offense, 不管结果如何.
  12. 向公众开放, 纪律处分程序的最终结果, if 这所学校 determines the student is an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense and the student has committed a violation of 这所学校's rules or policies with respect to the allegation made against him or her.
  13. To parents of a student regarding the student's violation of any Federal, State, 或者当地法律, 或者违反学校的任何规定或政策, governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance if 这所学校 determines the student committed a disciplinary violation and the student is under the age of 21.

    大学被要求记录披露, except for disclosures made to the student or disclosures made under sections a, h, 上面列出的j. Eligible students have a right to inspect and review the record of disclosures. 如需进行此类审查,请联系注册主任办公室.

    Any questions regarding FERPA or this annual notification of rights should be directed to the 注册商.