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DCOM Strong

DCOM Strong


DCOM-Strong is a student-led and Student Services supported wellness committee that serves as an autonomous, non-voting branch of DCOM SGA. DCOM-Strong is a wellness initiative created to give LMU-DCOM students the opportunity to maintain emotional, physical, financial/professional, social, spiritual and academic/intellectual wellness throughout all four years of their medical school journey. DCOM-Strong activities are student led in collaboration with Student Services and faculty/staff representatives. It is a priority of the initiative to incorporate tolerance and inclusion within the LMU-DCOM student body. Often, activities are open for all LMU professional programs, which allows for inter-professional collaborative learning. In addition, DCOM -Strong hosts events and activities to promote cultural/self-awareness and sensitivity. If you would like to be a student leader, be a part of the DCOM-Strong Committee or would like to propose an idea for a program, please contact Laurana Lehman, Associate Director of Student Life, at

DCOM-Strong functions as an independent committee on projects and initiatives that aid in the improvement of the overall wellness of our student body. Additionally, as a branch of SGA, a single DCOM-Strong member is responsible for attending all SGA meetings as a non-voting contribution. This autonomy allows DCOM-Strong the ability to work quickly on internal projects for the betterment of our student body, while also contributing to and helping with the student wellness responsibilities required of SGA. There will be separate and equivalent committees on the Harrogate and Knoxville campuses.


The following are just a few examples of the types of activities offered:

  • DCOM StrongMental Health Awareness Week
  • DO Day of Wellness
  • Mental Illness Awareness Week
  • Solidarity Week
  • Movie Nights
  • Spa Day
  • Wellness Wagons: Activity that offers food and giveaways to students before exams. Items that are offered include stress balls, ear plugs, healthy snacks and beverages and holiday themed treats.
  • Ice cream socials
  • Guest and Motivational Speakers: Topics include, Mental Health Awareness, Physician Burnout, Financial Wellness and Debt Management, OMS-II Advice for Success as an OMS-I
  • Academic Support Workshops
  • Yoga Classes
  • Mediation Sessions