

法学院为学生准备了广泛的传统和非传统的职业道路. We are committed to producing alumni who can help their clients and communities address problems that intersect with the legal system. 我们高度结构化的课程由实习和实习相辅相成, 无偿服务要求, 专业活动, and other student-centered activities that enrich the law school experience and produce well-rounded lawyers who are mindful of their leadership position within society.

在法学院,你将不仅仅是一名学生. You will be invited to embark on an experience that will prepare you for a career that is both successful and fulfilling. 我们的课程旨在帮助学生掌握技能, 负责任的, 有道德的律师能够满足日益复杂的法律体系的要求. Our curriculum offers an optimal mix of traditional legal education and innovative teaching methods that helps students develop their knowledge of substantive law as well as their abilities in critical thinking and problem-solving.


LMU法学院J.D. 课程必须成功完成90个学分. The 程序 of legal education includes 62 credit hours of required courses and 28 hours of elective courses. The elective offerings include three categories of courses: (1) traditional doctrinal subjects such as 就业 Law, 联邦所得税, 移民法, and Intellectual Property; (2) courses to fulfill the upper-level writing requirement, 例如贩卖人口, 联邦刑法, and First Amendment; and (3) courses to fulfill the six-credit experiential learning requirement, 采用模拟课程的形式,比如庭审辩护, 谈判, 律师事务所管理或实习课程, in which students obtain substantial lawyering experience under the supervision of a practicing attorney in the field.

学生可以在全日制或兼职/混合的基础上完成学位要求. 从全日制到兼职/混合是不可能的, but changing from the part-time/hybrid 程序 to the full-time 程序 is possible subject to academic qualification and administrative approval. 这两门课程都有规定的时间表. 某些必修课和选修课也可能在夏季学期开设. 任何学生不得在任何学期报名参加以下课程, 如果成功完成, 会超过18学时吗.


LMU法学院采用传统的四分制对全日制和非全日制学生进行评分. 例如,“D”转换为1分,“a”转换为4分. 全日制和非全日制学生的累积平均绩点(GPA)必须保持在2分.以保持良好的学术地位. 在必修课中, 成绩曲线是根据法学院的评分政策来管理的.