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Programmatic Learning Outcomes

Programmatic Learning Outcomes

ABA Standard 302 states:

“法学院应当建立并公布学习成果,这些成果应当, at a minimum, include competency in the school:


(1) Knowledge and Understanding of Substantive and Procedural Law [302(a)]


Objective 1 Identifying, describing, and interpreting the fundamental terms, rules, and principles of law in: Civil Procedure, Torts, Contracts, Property, Criminal Law, Constitutional Criminal Procedure, Evidence, Constitutional Law, Professional Responsibility, Wills, Trusts and Estates, Business Organizations, Domestic Relations, Conflicts of Law, Secured Transactions, 以及其他实体法和程序法领域内的任何选修课, non-skills course.

Objective 2 识别和区分每个主要内容领域的法律渊源,并认识到这些法律渊源之间的相互关系.

(2) Legal Analysis and Reasoning Skills [302(b)]


Objective 1 认识到基于案例或假设事实场景所涉及的法律问题.

Objective 2 将相关法律规则和原则应用于基于案例或假设事实的场景.

Objective 3 运用法律和事实来解决基于案例或假设事实场景所涉及的法律问题.

(3) Legal Research Skills [302(b)]


Objective 1 Identifying and assessing the weight of authority.

Objective 2 展示法律研究基本工具的知识.

Objective 3 制定和执行有效和高效的研究策略.

(4) Communication Skills [302(b)]


Objective 1 Speaking in a clear, concise, logical, well-organized, 适合听众和相关法律背景的专业态度.

Objective 2 Writing in a clear, concise, logical, well-organized, 适合听众和相关法律背景的专业态度.

(5)职业责任、道德和多样性意识[302(c), 302(d)]


Objective 1 Exhibiting the attributes required of lawyers, such as diligence, integrity, and involvement with the community and the profession.

Objective 2 运用专业责任规则的知识和法律专业的技能,以道德和专业的方式行事.

Objective 3 认识到法律制度对不同人口的影响, such as those of different genders, racial and ethnic groups, and socioeconomic classes.

Objective 4 Serving the community, 包括向经济能力有限的人或为这些人服务的组织提供有意义的法律相关服务.

(6) Professional Skills [302(d)]


Objective 1 Exhibiting the skills of an effective advocate, such as negotiation, collaboration, trial practice, and appellate practice.

Objective 2 识别并有效地参与正式和非正式的争议解决过程.

Objective 3 起草,修改和解释法律实践中使用的文件.

Objective 4 展示个人和小型公司法律实践所必需的技能和责任知识, such as business planning, office management, 并建立和维护客户信托账户.