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Applicants who have completed the equivalent of the first semester of law school may apply to transfer to LMU Law. The law school from which you wish to transfer must be accredited by either the American Bar Association or a state-approved organization, 这在阿拉巴马州是可能的, California, Massachusetts, and Tennessee.



申请入学和奖学金, 转学申请人必须提交以下十一(11)项:

  • An 转学入学申请 (可透过LSAC网站查阅)
  • 对全日制和兼职/混合课程申请人要求的两项陈述的回应
  • 两封推荐信*
  • 证书汇编服务(CAS)/法学院入学委员会(LSAC)的法学院报告
  • 至少一次LSAT写作练习
  • 所就读教育机构的正式成绩单, at least one of which must indicate a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited school recognized by the United States Department of Education
  • 申请转学的法学院的正式成绩单
  • A statement of good standing from an administrator at the law school(s) from which the applicant seeks to transfer credit
  • 要求调职的原因说明
  • A specific list of courses for which the student seeks to obtain credit with the number of credit hours for each course
  • 学生想要获得学分的每门课程的教学大纲

*请记住,你必须从你的LSAC账户中将每封推荐信分配给法学院. 它们不会自动发送.
** An unofficial transcript law school transcript can be submitted for evaluative purposes until an official transcript is received and processed by the LSAC's Credential Assembly Service.
***由主管学术事务的副院长和/或学术标准委员会决定, an official course description for a course may satisfy this requirement if a particular syllabus is unavailable.

转学申请人应将所要求的项目附在申请表上. 如果不能附加一个文档或一组文档,则可以将这些文档发送到 你的档案不会被考虑,直到 ALL ITEMS 已收到.





首先,转学入学申请将由T招生和奖学金委员会及院长. 所有的入学申请都将遵守学校的入学政策 入学政策 & 程序手册.

然后,如果录取被批准,转学申请人的完整文件将被发送到 学术标准委员会 用于课程/学分评估和批准.

学术标准委员会会, 自行决定, 确定每个学分的转学分是否适合个人申请. 学术标准委员会在行使其自由裁量权时,会检讨:

  • 申请人寻求转学分的法学院课程类型
  • The similarity between the type of classes taken at the law school(s) from which the applicant seeks to transfer credit with comparable classes at LMU Law
  • Whether the classes are taken at the law school(s) from which the applicant seeks to transfer credit are classes traditionally taken at a law school accredited by the ABA
  • 分数是否, 包括以及格/不及格为基础的课程成绩, are received by the student in the classes taken at the law school(s) from which the applicant seeks transfer credit.

除非根据§XVI获得院长的豁免. of the Student Handbook美国律师协会批准的法律专业的学生转学不能超过45个学分. 来自非aba的学生, 但是国家批准的法学院转学的学分不能超过30个. A student who has transferred from another law school must satisfy all other degree requirements at the School of Law, 累积平均绩点2分.000 or better.

Under no circumstances will the Academic Standards Committee extend credit for any class in which the student earned a grade less than "C."; Credit may be extended for courses in which a student was awarded a "P" or other similar indication for a "pass/fail" graded course.

要求放弃任何法学院的规则, regulation, or policy shall be submitted in writing to the Dean who shall forward requests to the faculty committee having jurisdiction over the matter. 院长也可以向全体教员推荐. 如果没有常设教员委员会对提出的问题有管辖权, then the Dean, 由她/他自行决定, 可以批准或拒绝豁免. 学生将收到书面通知. Under no circumstances may the Dean grant a waiver to the maximum credit hour allotment contained within § XII.A. of the Student Handbook.

欲了解更多信息,请通过电子邮件联系招生办公室 或致电 865-545-5303.