

祝贺你! You are about to begin one of the most exciting chapters in your life. Law is a demanding, noble profession offering the potential for a rewarding and fulfilling career. We want to make sure you have all the information you need to start your journey. To get started, here's what you need to do:

1. 索取官方成绩单

如果您尚未要求将最终正式成绩单发送到LSAC的证书组装服务 从每一个 educational institution attended since you graduated from high school, then you should do so as soon as possible. 一旦所有成绩单经过认证,服务部将向我们提供收到的证明. If you need help, the LSAC website has additional information about requesting transcripts.

在入学之前, 至少一份成绩单必须表明从美国教育部认可的认可机构获得的学士学位. If you will earn a degree after you requested a transcript initially, 那么你必须申请一个新的, updated transcript be sent to the Credential Assembly Service once the degree has been awarded.

If you or a sending institution has questions, please contact us at 865.545.5304 or 法律.admissions@LMUnet.edu

2. Disclose Changes to Applicant Data

所有的学生都有义务通知我们你在法学院申请中所包含的信息的任何变化. Breach of this disclosure obligation could result in sanctions. This includes any changes of address, 电话号码, 电子邮件地址, 逮捕, 金融义务, 票, you become party to a 法律suit, 等. Should something change, simply write a complete explanation and send it to us.

We cannot overemphasize the importance of this obligation. 对尴尬的恐惧或对酒吧入学的担忧往往促使学生隐瞒别人可能不愿透露的个人信息. 然而, 在有披露义务的情况下隐瞒这些信息是一种不当行为会让人对你的性格和是否适合从事法律工作产生怀疑. 你计划参加律师资格考试的州的律师考试委员会要求你接受犯罪和财务背景调查. You will have to explain any discrepancies between these search results, the contents of your bar application, and information in your 法律 school file. Failure to account for any inconsistencies may prevent you from bar admission. 因此, 未能在学习期间向我们披露信息不仅违反了我们的行为准则,而且可能危及您参加州律师资格考试的资格.

3. Register for Student 金融服务

You may register for financial aid by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Be sure to select LMU as your school. The Federal School Code for LMU is 003502. LMU's main campus is located in Harrogate, 田纳西州, so notwithstanding the fact the 法律 school is located in Knoxville, 请使用列出的代码. 请尽早注册申请经济援助,因为这将决定资金何时发放. There is additional information on our Student 金融服务 page.

一旦学生金融服务办公室收到通知,你的FAFSA已经被美国联邦贷款管理委员会处理,经济援助通知将发送到你的LMU电子邮件地址.S. 教育部. 还记得, 你必须以电子方式签署你的主本票(如果已经申请了经济援助),并在FAFSA网站上完成入学咨询,然后才能获得经济援助.

每一个你.S. 教育部 regulations, financial aid will disbursed approximately three to four weeks after school begins each semester.

If you will not accept financial aid, please notify us by email at 法律.admissions@LMUnet.edu

4. 重要日期

Matriculating students must attend Orientation and the start of classes. Other important dates throughout the year are recorded on the academic calendar. 学历可以在这个网站的“在校学生”和“学历”下面找到."

For classes starting in August 2023, here are a few dates to keep in mind:

  • Mandatory Orientation: August 7 & 8
  • 开课时间:8月10日


5. 笔记本/平板电脑

You should provide your own laptop computer or tablet. We will provide any software necessary for your course of study. We have on-site technical support should you have any issues. 如果你对你需要什么类型的笔记本电脑有疑问,或者想和信息服务部门的人谈谈吗, it can be reached by telephone at (423) 869-7411 或电邮至 helpdesk@fugitivegd.com

6. 寻找住房

LMU法律 is a non-residential campus. If you do not already live in the Knoxville area, then you will need to find a place to live. 离市中心和田纳西大学最近的公寓和住房不会空置太久. 然而, the 法律 school is easily accessible from the interstate, and rush-hour traffic is not very heavy. LMU法律 allows remote access to library resources, which is a valuable asset to students who commute longer distances. We also have plenty of small rooms where students can study to avoid going home between classes.

Housing opportunities can be located through the LMU法律 Student Bar Association website 或者在 诺克斯维尔公寓指南.

Once you have accepted an offer and we receive your acceptance forms, we will send you information to your class' 脸谱网 page. 在网站上, 你可以自我介绍一下, 找室友, or ask questions of your fellow classmates. The Office of 招生 does not monitor the site, 如果你们有问题, please contact us directly either by telephone at (865) 545-5304 or (865) 545-5303, 或电邮至 法律.admissions@LMUnet.edu.

7. 储备停车

LMU法律 does not provide parking for our students; however, there are several parking areas close to the 法律 school. We will provide contact information for nearby lots and garages. LMU法律 receives a special rate at the 核桃街/兰利车库, and it is available once you arrive. Currently, the rate is $400 per semester for the 2023-2024 academic year. You are not required to obtain parking through the 法律 school.

8. 保持沟通顺畅

We rely heavily on email here at the 法律 school, and we ask that you check and read your email regularly.

Enjoy the rest of the summer, and know that we are here to help your transition to 法律 school.

If you have any questions, call 865-545-5303 或发邮件至 法律.admissions@LMUnet.edu.